米コロンビア大学とオランダ・デルフト工科大学の研究チームが開発した「Application of a sub–0.1-mm3 implantable mote for in vivo real-time wireless temperature sensing」は、超音波で電力供給と無線通信を行う超小型の温度センサー搭載シングルチップだ。 総体積0.1立方mm以下という、塩つぶやダニに匹敵するサイズで、注射針で体内に移植し、生体信号のモニタリングを目指す。
↑上の概要部分から引用 Here, we present such an implant that uses a conventional ultrasound imager for wireless powering and data communication and acts as a probe for real-time temperature sensing, including the monitoring of body temperature and temperature changes resulting from therapeutic application of ultrasound.
↑より引用 Researchers are increasingly interested in designing wireless, miniaturized implantable medical devices for in vivo and in situ physiological monitoring. These devices could be used to monitor physiological conditions, such as temperature, blood pressure, glucose, and respiration for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.