テドロス事務局長は、調査団を率いたピーター・ベン・エンバレク(Peter Ben Embarek)氏と共にスイス・ジュネーブで会見。 「いくつかの仮説が否定されたかという質問があった。調査団のメンバーと話した結果として、全ての仮説は未解明のままであり、さらなる分析と調査を要することを認める」と表明した。
↑より引用 However, the findings suggest that the laboratory incident hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain introduction of the virus into the human population and therefore is not a hypothesis that will imply to suggest future studies into our work to support our future work into the understanding of the origin of the virus.
We also have to do much more into understanding the possible role of the cold-chain frozen products in the introduction of the virus over a distance. We know that the virus can persist and survive in conditions that are found in these cold and frozen environments, but we don’t really understand if the virus can then transmit to humans and under which conditions this could happen. It would be interesting to explore if a frozen wild animal that was infected could be a potential vehicle for the introduction of the virus or the viruses into market environments where we know that the temperature, the humidity, the environments could be conducive to a rapid spread of the virus in such an environment. So a lot of work needs to be done to better understand these interesting pathways.