米カリフォルニア州ランチョパロスベルデスで、事故を起こして破損したタイガー・ウッズ選手の車(2021年2月23日撮影)。(c)Frederic J. BROWN / AFP
Congrats to Tsubasa Kajitani on winning the @anwagolf with an amazing playoff finish. Enjoy the special moment, and good luck to all of the kids tomorrow in the @DriveChipPutt.
↑より引用 Gonzalez reported that, after the seriously injured Woods was removed from the SUV, the deputy found a backpack next to the vehicle, and in the front pocket was the empty pill bottle. “The container had no label and there was no indication as to what, if anything, had been inside. There was no open intoxicants, or paraphernalia inside the vehicle,” the report written by Deputy Justin Smith noted. The sheriff on Thursday noted that the empty pill bottle “held no evidentiary value.”