This Saturday 14/1 I will join activists in Lützerath to defend the village and stop the coalmine. Join us at 12.00 to protect life, and put people over profit!
The science is clear, the most affected people are clear: no more fossil fuels!#LütziBleibt #EndCoal https://t.co/IV3VLIZ2My pic.twitter.com/pJlmRvuNpb
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 11, 2023
Climate strike week 230. We are currently in Lützerath, a German village threatened to be demolished for an expansion of a coal mine. People have been resisting for years. Join us here at 12 or a local protest tomorrow to demand that #LützerathBleibt !#ClimateStrike pic.twitter.com/hGrCK6ZQew
— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) January 13, 2023
気候変動ストライキ第230週。私たちは現在、炭鉱拡張のために取り壊しの危機にさらされているドイツの村、リュッツェラート市にいます。人々は何年も抵抗しています。明日の12時、あるいは地元の抗議行動に参加し、#LützerathBleibt !#ClimateStrikeを要求しましょう。
"Germany is really embarrassing itself right now."@GretaThunberg has joined climate activists in Germany who are resisting the demolition of the Luetzerath village for a coal mine expansion. pic.twitter.com/yEmjWtycVP
— DW News (@dwnews) January 14, 2023
#GretaThunberg portata via dalle forze dell'ordine a #Luetzerath, in Germania, mentre protesta insieme a migliaia di altri giovani contro l'ampliamento di una miniera di carbone.
Un'immagine che, purtroppo, vale più di mille parole. pic.twitter.com/oiaLN7q52B
— Possibile (@PossibileIt) January 16, 2023
ドイツの #Luetzerath で、他の数千人の若者とともに炭鉱拡張に反対していた #GretaThunberg が治安部隊に連行される。
